Discord: 04Dice

- Traditional Art
- Digital Art
- Matte Painting
- Photo bashing
- Kit bashing
- Strong Anatomy Knowledge
- Strong Perspective Knowledge
- Strong Understanding of Color Theory
- Great Understanding of Composition

- Creation of textures
(Albedo, Normals, Bump, Height, etc.)
- Low Poly
- Vertices optimization
- Cycles
- Organizing asset libraries
- Strong Grasp on Lighting

- Great Communication and teamwork coordination
- Excellent English (speaking, writing, listening)
- Basic understanding of C#
- Willing to learn new applications, programs, and concepts

2D portfolioa few of my works throughout the years
you can check out my instagram foredice to see more stuff

Hello! I'm 04Dice (foredice) but you can call me Vinny.
I'm a general 2D/3D artists who enjoys working on any project thrown at me. I have been working on various freelance projects since early 2020. I am highly motivated to work and learn about everything relating to art, and output the best work I possibly can. Currently I'm based out of Minnesota, where I've been living my whole life.

My native Language is English, But I also speak German

2016-2020 high school art programs
painting, sculpting, graphic design, fine arts

2020 - present day

I am a hotkey fanatic, I can get basic mock ups done as quickly as 15 minutes if conditions are rightI enjoy creating multiple iterations and idealizations of a concept, and I am willing to change anything needed to on a dimeThe process starts out as an
idea -> rough sketches -> refining the desired design -> Illustrating or 3D modeling final result
Currently I have a folder where I store 3D assets I create or find online. All assets I use online I make sure have royalty free commercial use license, I package the original credits of the author within the file just in case. I keep it clean and organized for quick searching and transferring, all files are ready to be prepped for packaging at all times.
I have this folder synced with google drive so I can access these assets from where ever I am.

Personal Specs for Remote workMy PC I use for editing, creation, rendering:
GPU: RTX 3080 ti
CPU: Ryzen 9 7950x
RAM: 64GB DDR5 G.Skill Trident
OS: Windows 10
Drawing Tablet: Huion Kamvas 20
512GB M.2, 4TB SSD, 3TB HDD, 2 TB HDD
I currently have fiber optic internet
(Averages 830 mbps down 600 mbps up)

This sub page is underworks, everything else on the website takes priority.come back on a later date

Various Creative projects i've been apart of

GOM's Bull Fighting in brooklyn

A fun IRL project I got to be apart of. I was the prop designer for the shoot. I got to also paint the giant bull flag and the album cover for the song.

I've been using 3D modeling software throughout the years, starting with google sketch up in high school roughly around 2018. In the most recent years it's been nothing but blender for anything 3D related.
Everything 3D I've been learning on my own through online tutorials or other people in the Blender community.

Currently I have been making a bunch of 3D models for a low poly passion project I've been working on